
Rule #53 Don't Cry When You're Found Guilty for a Brutal Attack

Men sent to prison for Live Oak railroad beating.

Two local boys, one 19, the other 21, were spray painting graffiti when the victim walked by with his dog. He must have said something because the two attacked him, beat him, kicked him and even hit him with a rock.

They ended up putting him in a two-day medically induced coma and he is still recovering.

Supporters of the two shitheels that attacked the man cried and shouted things like "Shaun, we still love you." Which confuses the hell out of me, these are two assholes who viciously and brutally beat an older man while they were in the commission of another crime. Defending them condones their actions.

This rule could just as easily be the Don't Exacerbate Your Crime By Committing A Brutal Assault. But, instead, it'll be....

The lawyer for the defense plead for some punishment other than prison because it would "destroy these guys". Boo-hoo, think about the consequences of your actions before you put someone in the hospital.

The brother of one of the attackers said there are no winners and that this whole thing is a very big tragedy. No, a tragedy is an unavoidable catastrophe. This isn't a tragedy, this is a couple of assholes beating the holy crap out of someone. The tragedy is that they were born at all.

Rule #53 is Don't Cry When You're Found Guilty for a Brutal Attack.

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