
#266 Don't Taunt Wild Animals While Drunk and Stoned

Zoo settles with brothers in tiger attack for $900,000. Recall that this attack was instigated by the two brothers and their friend while drunk and stoned. The tiger got pissed off enough to jump out of its enclosure, kill one of the three and slash one of the brothers before the cops had to shoot it to death.

And these two brothers get awarded nearly a million bucks for being douchebags?

I'm sure the majority of this settlement will go straight to their lawyers but neither of these two boys deserve a penny for their direct hand in taunting a wild animal and being a direct cause of their friend's death.

If there is any karmic justice in the world then both of them will suffer nightmares for the rest of their pathetic and wasted lives.

Rule #266 is Don't Taunt Wild Animals While Drunk and Stoned

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