
#348 Do Not Procreate If You Are Scum

Watsonville man admits lewd acts with same girl that son battered - Santa Cruz Sentinel
John Charlie Deanda and his son, John Nicholas Deanda are pedophiles who engaged in long term systematic forced sexual battery on a girl under the age of 14.

Six years worth of forced sexual battery.

And for that John Charlie Deanda is going to go to prison for six years. This is after a hearing to figure out if he was competent enough to stand trial. He was found competent but just barely which means he's dumb as dirt. Stands to reason his pedophle offspring is similarly dumb as dirt.

Now both are going to be in prison for what each of them did to a child. Who will undoubtedly be affected by their crimes for the rest of her life. I can only hope she is strong enough and has enough support to overcome and move beyond these two horrible, sick, and yes, stupid, assholes who used her like a sex doll.

Rule #348 is Do Not Procreate If You Are Scum

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