
#432 Hold Cops To a Higher Standard, Not No Standard At All

Broken arm from not complying with illegal orders from a cop.
Picture this, your daughter has been getting bullied at school so you get involved, talk with the school and the police are called. And when the cop comes to talk to your daughter, he ends up breaking her arm while trying to take her phone illegally to search, again, illegally, for evidence that wouldn't be admissible in court because it was obtained illegally.

Greenacres Cop Jared Nash Accused of Breaking 14-Year-Old Girl's Arm During Arrest

Note, this cop had NO right to stop her and demand her phone, he had no legal right and was acting outside of the law. He committed a violent assault on a child that resulted in her arm being broken in multiple places.

The "internal investigation is on-going" which is a nice way of shutting down any and all inquiries. What will happen to this cop? Not a damned thing and that is part of the problem with the police in America now.

They are able to commit crimes with near total impunity and can even get their other police "brothers" to cover their crimes up for them.

The police absolutely MUST be held to a higher standard of behavior, they have lethal authority (that is, they are authorized by the state to use lethal force). Until cops are held accountable for the crimes they commit while in uniform there can be no peace in the nation and the police will continue to be seen as the enemy and not to be trusted which is weird since they are paid by taxpayers (that's you and me).

Rule #432 is Hold Cops To a Higher Standard, Not No Standard At All

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