
#433 Accidents Are Unavoidable, Gun Deaths Aren't Accidents

Police: Woman allegedly kills herself with gun bought to prepare for Ferguson unrest by "accident" because her boyfriend swerved and rear-ended another car after she started waving the gun around in the car (he was worried she was going to shoot him by "accident") and Becca Campbell, 26, inexplicably had her finger on the damned trigger and it was loaded while they were driving home from the gun shop. Yes, that's totally an accident except there are so many places it was just dumb negligence and being irresponsible with a deadly weapon.

Basic IQ tests really aren't too damned much to ask when someone is going to go walking around with something capable of killing instantly. No, this woman did not die instantly, she got to get taken to the hospital and die there. Don't call this a damned accident.

Or maybe it isn't even about being stupid, maybe it's about being too cavalier with a deadly weapon. Did this woman routinely juggle knives?

How can you not take a gun seriously? And I know she didn't take it seriously because she had her idiot finger on the trigger of her new gun when she killed her idiot self with it. Guns DO NOT FIRE unless the trigger is pulled no matter what you have seen in movies. Her own idiot self is the reason she's dead now. A gun is a deadly implement, that's why she bought it, to protect herself from the pending mad riots in Ferguson after Office Shitbag, I mean, Darren Wilson gets acquitted for murdering an unarmed black kid.

Which was also not an accident, that was a cop murder followed up by a cop cover up and then cop over-militarized response. Darren Wilson should be found guilty of murder or manslaughter and be sent to prison, anything less and Ferguson is going to get real, real ugly. Just ask the already deployed National Guard and whatever number of FBI agents in town. None of the deaths are going to be accidents there either.

Rule #433 is Accidents Are Unavoidable, Gun Deaths Aren't Accidents

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