
#373 There But for the Grace of Fortune Go Thee

Not homeless people. Yet.
Note, these are not homeless people, at least not yet, they are or were employees at the most aggressive foreclosure company in New York. They are dressed this way as some asshole thought a Homeless Halloween Party was a good idea. And someone else thought it was a good idea to get some good pictures of these disgusting jerks. Some similarly appalled person at the party forwarded the photos to the press and things got rather interesting for these distasteful party goers.

Well, it was with great pleasure that I read that Steven J. Baum's law firm is going belly up. Suck karmic teats, you haters! Awful Homelessness-Mocking Foreclosure Firm Closes

The oddest part is that the firm's principal, none other than Steven J. Baum himself, blames a columnist for having destroyed his company and putting people out on those very same streets with the very same people his ex-employees mocked so hideously. I'm sure Steven J. Baum is not going to be homeless anytime soon but there is a distinct tang of a karmic smackdown in the air, isn't there?

Rule #373 is There But for the Grace of Fortune Go Thee

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