
#390 Don't Plant Drugs on School Volunteers You Don't Like

Parents planted drugs on elementary school volunteer they were unhappy with, police say

These two poster children for bad parenting (who also both happen to be lawyers for the bonus win) didn't like how a volunteer was supervising their son. So they decided the best course of action was to plant drugs in her car and try to get her arrested.

No really. They thought this was a good idea. Good enough to act on which they did and then try to get her busted but, because Jill and Kent Easter are fucking morons, the back story didn't work out and they were identified as suspects.

Which is to say, I think they now have some substantially more pressing issues to address than a volunteer supervising their kid, like defending themselves and trying to keep their stupid asses out of jail and their child out of the foster care system. Nice mugshot too, Jill!

 Rule #390 is Don't Plant Drugs on School Volunteers You Don't Like

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