
#400 Just Keep Your Dumb, Drunk and Over-Armed Ass At Home

Here's a thought. If you're going to drive around with unregistered illegal guns and an assortment of other weaponry in your car in addition to not one but two open alcohol containers (a beer and a gallon of rum, mmm, rum by the gallon screams deliciousness to me) then perhaps you want maybe not drive drunk.

Or not bring your arsenal with you out while drinking and driving. But this is pretty much exactly what Eileen Holland of Watsonville decided was a great idea. She got pulled over 3:30 in the morning for driving erratically and her bad morning got much worse quickly.

Cops Find Guns, Tear Gas, Open Bottles, etc. in Watsonville Woman's Car

I'm sure she had her reasons for being out driving drunk and armed to the teeth but I'm also pretty sure her reasons all suck and she's a danger to society as well as herself. Just stay home if you want to get all wasted and walk around your house with your weapons strapped to your body so you can pretend you're a badass. Just stay off the damned roads with your dumbass drunk self.

Rule #400 is Just Keep Your Dumb, Drunk and Over-Armed Ass At Home

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