
#422 Do Not Die For Your Stupid Cellphone, Stupid

Woman drops cell phone in toilet, two die in rescue attempt

Okay, a few immediate thoughts. One, how did she get her husband AND mother in law to jump in after HER cellphone? That is some damned impressive hen pecking right there. Two, an open pit toilet is just another name for a hole in the ground filled with shit. That is, ewwww!

The brand new phone was worth $320 or the lives of her husband and mother in law.

And the pit was "only" waist deep but the two were overcome by the fumes anyway. And let's just consider that little tidbit. Overcome by fumes means they asphyxiated on methane, airborne shit in the air and whatever other by-products are produced by massive quantities of waste. Ugh, I can think of several thousand other ways I'd prefer to go than effectively drowning in a giant pool of human feces.

For a stupid phone. The mind wobbles (yes, I'm well aware, this is what's known as an obscure pop reference that some will get and most will not).

Rule #422 is Do Not Die For Your Stupid Cellphone, Stupid

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