
#329 Do NOT Party On

Not the Father of the Year
Parents' day at the beach involved a lot of beer: "James Arthur Lee, 54, and his wife, Wendy Maureen Lee, 47, went on a bender Jan. 22 after bringing their children, ages 2 through 8, to the beach at Half Moon Bay, said San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe."

The article goes on to say that James Arthur Lee was driving with a whopping .25% BAC, more than three times the legal limit which means he was completely tossed. His wife blew a .24%. These two idiots stopped twice on the way home to drink more beer too while their four kids sat in the back and were deeply ashamed and probably scared of the spectacle of their drunk parents.

Now I'm not going to sit here and say that your life is over when you have kids. It is actually just beginning in many ways but your hard partying, drunk driving and acting like a teenaged moron should be behind you by the time you get to 50 at the very least. I feel bad for these kids who have had to be removed from their parent's "care" while each of them serves jail time for their ridiculous stupidity.

There comes a time when you sack up, sober up and realize that there are more important things in your life than getting drunk, like keeping your kids safe and trying to drive on the roads when you're literally shitfaced.

Or, if you must get fall down stupid ass drunk then have the forethought to not do it front of your kids and, absolutely for damned sure, don't get behind the wheel. This story could have easily ended with all six of them dead, I wonder if that reality has settled in on James Arther Lee yet. He's lucky he didn't kill his entire family and merely got arrested.

Rule #329 is Do NOT Party On

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