
#339 Oregano is NOT Marijuana

Virginia Middle School Students Suspended for Oregano Possession
by citing a zero tolerance policy against "imitation controlled substances". That is, they got busted because the teacher thought they had a bag of pot, it wasn't and the teacher felt like a doofus and busted them anyway. With the backing of the school board.

Seriously? So I can presume the school cafeteria was raided shortly after these boys were suspended? I mean, come on, we know there's stuff in there that could be construed as an imitation controlled substance. When I was kid I heard about some other kid that desperately wanted to get high so he smoked some nutmeg. It got him really high, so high he went into convulsions and got to spend the night in the hospital.

Zero tolerance policies are often used as convenient means of removing common sense from any disciplinary proceedings. Its just plain stupid and I'd hope the families of the boys are planning on suing the school and the board for blowing the situation way, way out of proportion to the "crime".

Rule #339 is Oregano is NOT Marijuana

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