
#351 Don't Tele-Diagnose, Especially If You Aren't A Friggin' Doctor

Ignored ambulance call fatality 'a tragedy'

So the story is that a 23 year old man called the Swedish equivalent of 911 to request an ambulance as he was having trouble breathing. He called several times and the operator on the 911 number decided that he was just fine and refused to send an ambulance.

The 23 year old man was found dead 2 hours later which is a pretty good indicator that the 911 dispatcher's diagnosis was incorrect (probably why he was running the phones instead of working in the field, eh?).

Here's the thing, if someone calls 911 then treat it as an emergency, do not interject your own beliefs or false expertise. As a result of this dispatcher's ego, a 23 year old man died needlessly.

Rule #351 is Don't Tele-Diagnose, Especially If You Aren't A Friggin' Doctor

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