
#366 There Is Such a Thing as Too Drunk

Inebriated cyclist knocks down pregnant pedestrian, police say
Aaron Shaffer was riding his bike on the sidewalk, fast, and drunk, really, really, really shitfaced drunk (he tested at more than four times the legal limit) when a pregnant woman came out of a store he was going by too fast. He smashed into her, knocked her down and out cold so that she had to go to the hospital.

Onlookers estimate that Aaron was going near 20 mph when he collided with the woman. On a sidewalk. Too drunk to stand up. Way to go, asshole!

If the lady loses her baby then I'd hope and expect Aaron Shaffer gets charged with involuntary manslaughter. Anything to keep the criminally idiotic alcoholics off the sidewalks.

Rule #366 is There Is Such a Thing as Too Drunk

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