
#385 Don't Wear These Stupid "Pants"

In the ever expanding scope of things to NOT do, here's a fashion don't.

Don't wear these ridiculous looking super high waisted pants. They're ugly and you will be laughed at everywhere you go.

You'd have to be high as hell to even think about them. And you'd have to have a whole crapload more money than sense because these ugly things are discounted to a still crazy over-priced for looking like a moron, $1046.50.

Yeah, the designers want you to pay one thousand dollars to look like you're trying to give yourself an epic wedgie. Good luck with that.

About the only positive thing that I could think of to say about these is that you can go topless and not be indecent though you'll still look like an idiot.

Rule #385 is Don't Wear These Stupid "Pants"

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