
#392 Try Not To Be This Guy

Upset over lost Mensa application? No.
Boyfriend Goes Into Jealous Rage Over Mitt Romney

Lowell Turpin didn't recognize the man on his girlfriend's Facebook page so he did what any man would do and confronted and then punched his girlfriend in the face.

The man in the photo? It was Mitt Romney. Yeah, the asshat vulture capitalist robot trying to buy the White House with his massive corporate "donors".

Now, some might say he did the right thing because Mitt Romney is no friend to the lower class (I'm making an assumption here) and her support of him and his failed policies of giving more money to the rich in the hopes that some of that money will trickle down to the middle class and poor is a decidedly shitty economic philosophy.

But I'm guessing Lowell's economic philosophy is more like checking his pockets to see if he can afford more fried chicken.

Regardless, punching your girlfriend in the face because of a photo (whoever it may be) on her Facebook page (I'm impressed he can work a mouse really) is ridiculous and now, Lowell, you look like an even bigger moron who can't close his mouth because he's too fat than you did before.

And no, they don't have drive thru in prison, sorry.

Rule #392 Try Not To Be This Guy

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