
#412 Don't Post It If You Don't Want It On the Internet

Chelsea holds it in for a pic with Snoop.
Administrator uses student’s bikini photo in Internet safety seminar which, of course, horrifies her because she only intended for her friends to see the photo.

This demonstrates a rather fundamental lack of understanding about how the internet and digital information actually works.

And, as a result, Chelsea Chaney, the blond sucking in her belly for the photo on the right there, is suing the administrator for $2 million. Yeah. Because a photo she put on her Facebook page and accessible by anyone with a computer was used without her permission or knowledge.

Chelsea, you posted the photo, you didn't restrict access to it and now you're upset because your own hubris caused you some discomfort (which the cynical voice in me thinks you're trying to parlay into a career through this national exposure).

Honestly, after watching part of the video on the link, I have less sympathy for her than I did before. Her whole attitude is lame and she's much better looking with her sunglasses on and her mouth closed or smiling. Listening to her talk made me want the judge to rule against her AND fine her $50,000 for wasting the court's time.

If you do not want a picture to be used on the internet then do not upload it to the internet. If this picture of her had been stolen and posted without her knowledge then she MIGHT have a case. But she posted it herself and without locking it down because she assumed good ol' Facebook had her back (pro tip, Facebook is not in business for you, just your data).

If you post it on the internet, it pretty much ceases to be your property to control. And complaining about it will NOT make it go away, it'll make your problems much worse, even more so if a site like 4Chan gloms on to it. Then mild embarrassment is the least of your problems, they'll photoshop you into a porn and send it to your dad's co-workers for the lulz.

Rule #412 is Don't Post It If You Don't Want It On the Internet

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