
#419 Don't Sell Black Teens to For Profit Prisons for Kickbacks

1000's of lives ruined by his greed.
Judge Sentenced to 28 Years For Selling Black Teens to Prisons

Now, if we were going to be generous then maybe we'd say that Mark Ciavarella Jr. was absent the day in law school where they talked about ethics and right and wrong.

And maybe Mark Ciavarella Jr. has a wicked coke and hooker habit that he's kept under wraps because of the payments from the prisons to which he supplied innocent black teenaged men to.

Or maybe the mafia had kidnapped his family and ordered him to ruin thousands upon thousands of lives by sending them to prison despite being innocent (I wonder if Mark Ciavarella Jr. would consider them guilty of being black and that being his douchey way of attempting to justify his actions?).

But none of these things are true, are they? Nope. The reality is that Mark Ciavarella Jr. is a pile of man-shaped garbage who sent thousands to prison so he could line his pockets on their lost days, weeks, months and years.

Mark Ciavarella Jr. is unrepentant despite facing the next three decades behind bars for being clearly and without a doubt being found guilt of having sold black teenagers into prisons. He says claims no laws were broken and the payments were finders fees. Which kind of makes no sense unless you're grasping at non-existent straws because you got caught selling black teenagers to for profit prisons.

I'd just like to say that I, personally, hope you suffer every single moment of every single day of every single month of every single year you spend rotting in that fucking cell you sentenced so many others to. You deserve it. You deserve to be scared for your lily white asshole. Those who abuse the power vested in them by the public trust should expect the backlash to be severe, as it damned well should be.

Rule #419 is Don't Sell Black Teens to For Profit Prisons for Kickbacks

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