
#425 If Your Plan Includes Impersonating a Cop, Your Plan Sucks

Do I look like a cop to you? 
Eric Dukes was angry, I get it, some asshole ripped off his bike and he wanted it back. Having a bike stolen is, seriously, one of the shittiest feelings I can think of. Bikes are more than transportation, bikes are tickets to freedom.

So he did what any crazy fool would do and got his pellet gun and some fake handcuffs and went to the nearby high school to see if he could scare some impressionable teenagers into giving his bike back. I'm not sure how that works because I know of zero teenage boys who wouldn't A.) Know Eric Dukes wasn't a cop. and B.) Would be able to tell immediately that his pellet gun posed little threat aside from a welt or possibly putting out an eye.

Charging this kid with possession of a weapon on campus is laughable given the potential for damage he could have caused compared to the nutbags who intend on causing massive death and mayhem.

He's a dumb kid who was trying to get his bike, my guess is the cops didn't care or that he didn't even report it stolen.

That he was arrested for not having a permit to carry a pellet gun is a little weird to me. I'd think there would be a bunch of other charges that would be substantially more compelling reasons to lock him up.

Sorry your bike got stolen, Eric Dukes, but your "plan" to recover it by intimidating some high school kids into returning it was shockingly stupid.

Rule #425 is If Your Plan Includes Impersonating a Cop, Your Plan Sucks

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