
#383 Spy Pens Only Work in Movies, Dumbass

Teacher Suspected of Making Porn at Pajaro Dunes With 'Spy Pen'
This is Aldrin Jayson "A.J." Nicolas, he is, or was, a choir instructor with Vivace Youth Chorus out of the Silicon Valley. Now he's going to be some guy's girlfriend in prison because he came up with the brilliant idea to use a spy pen to record some of the girls, aged 13 to 17, he was chaperoning as they undressed in a hotel bathroom at the Pajaro Dunes west of Watsonville.
And by brilliant I mean, of course, totally fucking idiotic.  Notwithstanding his badly out of whack (heh) risk versus reward algorithm, it was just dumb of him to think that the girls wouldn't notice an odd pen pointed at them in the bathroom. They investigated, realized it was a video camera and then the whole pile of steaming shit that is ol' AJ hit the fan.
The law really doesn't look at all kindly, nor does anyone else for that matter, on supposedly trusted stewards of children being caught trying to exploit them and most certainly not trying to exploit them sexually. I'd imagine he's going to get a whole bunch of books thrown at him before he gets a couple of years in prison and permanently labeled as a sex offender.
Rule #383 is Spy Pens Only Work in Movies, Dumbass

Update: Aldrin has pled no contest to the charges. He faces a maximum of five years in prison for three felony counts of creating child pornography and two misdemeanors. I would hope that, in hindsight, Aldrin would choose not to do such a colossally stupid thing.

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